$1.3M sweet spot round size
Most of their 5 investments are in rounds between $1M and $6.2M
ApplyBoard raised $13M on June 28, 2018
Investors: 500 Startups, Artiman Ventures, Candou Ventures, INP Capital Inc. and GCI Ventures Ltd
Envenio raised $1.3M on June 23, 2017
Investors: New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, Celtic house and GCI Ventures Ltd
- raised $1M on September 26, 2016
Investors: Female Funders, Fastbreak Ventures, Horizons Ventures, New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, Real Ventures and GCI Ventures Ltd
TritonWear raised $1M on August 16, 2016
Investors: China Canada Angels Alliance, Laurier Startup Fund, Real Ventures, Relentless Venture Fund, MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund and GCI Ventures Ltd
Graphite Software raised $6.2M on June 16, 2016
Investors: Celtic house and GCI Ventures Ltd