$1.5M sweet spot round size
Most of their 3 investments are in rounds between $928K and $1.5M
Undisclosed raised $1.6M on July 5, 2016
Investors: 洪泰基金 and Huikedu Group 慧科集团
Mantou Business School raised $1.5M on May 3, 2016
Investors: 天鹰合赢(北京)投资管理有限公司 and Huikedu Group 慧科集团
北京鸥飞科技有限公司 raised $928K on April 1, 2016
Investors: Huikedu Group 慧科集团
from 1 investors over 1 rounds
Huikedu Group 慧科集团 raised $47M on November 19, 2015
Investors: 千合资本管理有限公司