$840K sweet spot round size
Most of their 3 investments are in rounds between $680K and $840K
TORANOTEC raised $680K on December 20, 2016
Investors: ニッセイ・キャピタル(株) and REALWORLD,Inc.
Cyber Security Cloud, Inc. raised $840K on January 25, 2016
Investors: Legend Partners Japan, SBI Investment, MBition GmbH and REALWORLD,Inc.
グランドデザイン(株) raised $1.9M on June 26, 2015
Investors: istyle inc., Adways Inc., transcosmos inc., Vector Holdings and REALWORLD,Inc.
REALWORLD,Inc. raised undisclosed on January 1, 2007
Investors: GMO VenturePartners,Inc.