$19M sweet spot round size
Most of their 9 investments are in rounds between $19M and $19M
Tania Bulhões raised undisclosed on February 1, 2022
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
WeVets raised undisclosed on June 1, 2021
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
Zee.Dog raised $19M on July 3, 2020
Investors: Quartz and Treecorp Investimentos
Undisclosed raised undisclosed on March 1, 2020
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
Zul Digital raised undisclosed on December 1, 2018
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
Ademilar raised undisclosed on July 1, 2017
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
Suplicy Cafés Especiais Ltda raised undisclosed on January 1, 2017
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
Undisclosed raised undisclosed on November 1, 2014
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos
MC1 - Win The Market raised undisclosed on May 1, 2014
Investors: Treecorp Investimentos