Northern Computer Service LLCNorthern Concrete Pipe, Inc.Northern connected TecNorthern Connection Magazine, your community magazineNorthern Connections Canada ImmigrationNorthern Connectors Ltd.Northern Construction Service, LLC.Northern Consulting EngineersNorthern ContainerNorthern ContoursNorthern Contract ServicesNorthern Cooperative IncNorthern Corridor Economic RegionNorthern Corridor Implementation AuthorityNorthern Counties Health Care Inc.Northern Country CooperativeNorthern Credit BureauNorthern Credit UnionNorthern Credit Union - NYNorthern Crescent Inc.Northern Crescent IronNorthern Crops InstituteNorthern Cross DentalNorthern Cross Wealth ManagementNorthern Crossarm CoNorthern Data AGNorthern Data AGNorthern Delights (NW) LtdNorthern Dental Access CenterNorthern Dental CentreNorthern Dental Group PCNorthern Dental SpecialistsNorthern Development & Investment GroupNorthern Development Initiative TrustNorthern Devon Healthcare NHS TrustNorthern Devon Healthcare NHS TrustNorthern DewateringNorthern Digital Inc. (NDI)Northern Digital Inc. (NDI)Northern Digital, Inc.Northern DispensaryNorthern Diver International LtdNorthern Divers (Eng) LtdNorthern Divine Aquafarms Ltd.Northern Dock Systems Inc.Northern Drilling Ltd.Northern Dry Bulk, IncNorthern DSNorthern Dutchess HospitalNorthern Dynasty Minerals Ltd (ND3)Northern Eagle Beverages, Inc.Northern Eco Mechanical, LLCNorthern Economics IncNorthern Edge AlgonquinNorthern Edge ConsultingNorthern Education TrustNorthern ElectricNorthern Electric CompanyNorthern Electric Power Company, L.P.Northern Electric, plcNorthern Electrical Testing, IncNorthern Electricity Supply Company Limited (NESCO)Northern Elevator LimitedNorthern ELM Mentoring GroupNorthern Empire Resources Corp.Northern Employment Services LtdNorthern Employment Solutions IncNORTHERN ENDODONTIC ASSOCIATES, PANorthern EnergyNorthern Energy & Supply ABNORTHERN ENERGY FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONNorthern Engine and Supply CompanyNorthern EngineeringNorthern Engineering CompanyNorthern Engineering Solutions LtdNorthern Engineering Works TanzaniaNorthern EngravingNorthern Engraving & MachineNORTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER SOLUTIONS ABNorthern Environmental LLCNorthern Equities GroupNorthern EquityNorthern Escape CollectionNorthern Essex Community CollegeNORTHERN EVENT STRUCTURES LIMITEDNorthern ExposureNorthern Express IncNorthern Extrusion ToolingNorthern Eye Care AssociatesNorthern Eye OpticalNorthern Fabricators Ltd.Northern Fairfield InsuranceNorthern Family ChiropracticNorthern Family DentistryNorthern Family FarmsNorthern Fan Supplies LtdNorthern Fashion WeekNorthern Feather Canada LtdNorthern Feed & BeanNorthern Film SchoolNorthern Filter ServicesNorthern Financial AdvisorsNorthern Financial GroupNorthern Finnish Mutual InsNorthern Fir Beard Co.Northern Fish "Saltfish from Norway"Northern Fish Products, Inc.Northern FlagsNorthern Food CompanyNorthern FoodsNORTHERN FOODS LIMITEDNORTHERN FOOT & ANKLE ASSOCIATES, PANorthern Forklift (Scotland) LimitedNorthern Frac Proppants, LLCNorthern FreightNorthern Freight Service, IncNorthern Freight ServicesNorthern Fresh MarketNorthern Frontier CampNorthern Frontier Corp.Northern Gas and PowerNorthern Gas and Power (NGP)NORTHERN GAS HEATING LIMITEDNorthern Gas NetworksNorthern Gas TransportNorthern Gateway Public SchoolsNorthern Gear & MachiningNorthern General HospitalNorthern Generator Company LTD.Northern GeomanticsNorthern Geotechnical Engineering - Terra Firma Testing, Inc.Northern Glass IncNorthern Gold FoodsNorthern GP Federation Support UnitNorthern Grampians Shire CouncilNorthern Graphite CorpNorthern Green CanadaNorthern GripsNorthern GritstoneNorthern GroundNorthern Groundsource INCNorthern GroupNorthern Group of CompaniesNorthern GuildNorthern Gulf PartnersNorthern Gulf Trading Co.Northern Hardwoods Inc -- A Longyear CompanyNorthern HaserotNorthern HealthNorthern Health and Social Care TrustNorthern Health AuthorityNorthern Health RegionNorthern Health Science Alliance LtdNorthern HealthcareNorthern HeliCopter GmbHNorthern Hi-TecNorthern Highlands Regional High SchoolNorthern Highlands Regional High SchoolNorthern Hill CapitalNorthern Hills DentalNorthern Hills Federal Credit UnionNorthern Hills TechnologyNorthern Hills Training CenterNORTHERN HOPE FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY AND CHIROPRACTICNorthern HorizonNorthern Horizon DentalNorthern Horizons Inc.Northern Hospital of Surry CountyNorthern House InspectionsNorthern Housing ConsortiumNorthern Human ServicesNorthern Human ServicesNorthern Hydraulics LTDNorthern Ice & DanceNorthern Idaho Advanced Care HospitalNorthern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist ChurchNorthern Illinois Food BankNorthern Illinois Foot & Ankle SpecialistsNorthern Illinois Health Plan (NIHP)Northern Illinois HospiceNorthern Illinois Medical AssociatesNORTHERN ILLINOIS PUG RESCUE & ADOPTION INCNorthern Illinois Recovery CenterNorthern Illinois Retina LtdNorthern Illinois Soccer LeagueNorthern Illinois Steel SupplyNorthern Illinois Training Advisory BoardNorthern Illinois UniversityNorthern Illinois University College of LawNorthern Illumination Company, LLCNorthern ImaginationNorthern Improvement CompanyNorthern India Textile Research AssociationNorthern India Trading CompanyNorthern Indiana Commuter Transportation DistrictNorthern Indiana Federal CUNorthern Indiana Public Service Company, Inc.Northern IndustrialNorthern Industrial Battery Services LtdNorthern Industrial Hygiene, Inc.Northern Industrial ManufacturingNorthern Industrial SalesNorthern industrial servicesNorthern Industrial Supply (NIS)Northern Industries A/SNorthern InitiativesNorthern Inland Credit Union LtdNorthern Inspection Services, LLCNorthern Institute of Applied Climate ScienceNorthern InsulinNorthern Insurance Service, LTDNorthern Insuring AgencyNorthern Integrated Pain ManagementNorthern Inter-Tribal Health AuthorityNorthern Interstate Bank, N.ANorthern Investigative AssociatesNORTHERN INVESTMENT COMPANYNorthern Inyo Healthcare DistrictNorthern Iowa Die Casting, Inc.Northern Ireland Advanced Composites & Engineering Centre (NIACE)Northern Ireland Ambulance ServiceNorthern Ireland AssemblyNorthern Ireland Audit OfficeNorthern Ireland Bureau (North America)Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NI Chamber)Northern Ireland Chest Heart And StrokeNorthern Ireland Civil ServiceNORTHERN IRELAND COMMONWEALTH GAMES COUNCILNorthern Ireland Education AuthorityNorthern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks)Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks)Northern Ireland Environment AgencyNorthern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem AgencyNorthern Ireland Home Interiors & Living MagazineNorthern Ireland HospiceNorthern Ireland Housing ExecutiveNorthern Ireland JobsNorthern Ireland OfficeNorthern Ireland OperaNorthern Ireland Science Park Foundation LimitedNorthern Ireland ScreenNorthern Ireland Statistics and Research AgencyNorthern Ireland WaterNorthern Iron & MachineNorthern Iron And Brass Foundry Pty. Ltd.Northern IT LeadersNORTHERN IT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITEDNorthern Jet ManagementNorthern Joinery LimitedNorthern Kane County Chamber of CommerceNorthern Karate SchoolsNorthern Kentucky Area Development DistrictNorthern Kentucky Area Planning CommissionNorthern Kentucky CedarNorthern Kentucky Chamber of CommerceNorthern Kentucky Community Action CommissionNorthern Kentucky Convention & Visitors BureauNORTHERN KENTUCKY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES INCNorthern Kentucky Federal Credit UnionNorthern Kentucky Health DeptNorthern Kentucky Home Insurance CompanyNorthern Kentucky MachineNORTHERN KENTUCKY ORAL-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY ASSOCNORTHERN KENTUCKY PEDIATRIC GROUP, PSCNorthern Kentucky Tri-County Economic Development Corporation (Tri-ED)Northern Kentucky UniversityNorthern Kentucky University—Salmon P. Chase College of LawNorthern Kentucky Water Districtnorthern kids therapyNorthern KitesNORTHERN LAB LIMITEDNorthern LabsNorthern Lake Service, IncNorthern Lakes CapitalNorthern Lakes CollegeNorthern Lakes CollegeNORTHERN LAKES COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTHNorthern Lakes Data Corp.Northern Lakes Economic AllianceNORTHERN LAKES INSURANCE, INC.Northern Lakes Management IncNorthern Lakes Nursing & RehabNorthern Land CouncilNorthern Land Use Research Alaska, LLCNorthern Leasing SystemsNorthern Lebanon School DistrictNorthern Life WellnessNorthern Lift TrucksNorthern LightNorthern Light Acadia HospitalNorthern Light Blue Hill HospitalNorthern Light CapitalNorthern Light HealthNorthern Light MediaNorthern Light Mercy HospitalNorthern Light NewspaperNorthern Light ProductionsNorthern Light SoftwareNorthern Light TechnologiesNorthern Light Venture CapitalNorthern Light Venture CapitalNorthern Lighthouse BoardNorthern LightingNorthern LightsNorthern LightsNorthern LightsNorthern LightsNorthern Lights (Chesterfield) LimitedNorthern Lights Alternative Advisors LLPNorthern Lights Ballroom & Banquet CenterNorthern Lights CandlesNorthern Lights Capital GroupNorthern Lights CasinoNorthern Lights CollegeNorthern Lights CollegeNORTHERN LIGHTS CREDIT UNIONNorthern Lights Dental CareNorthern Lights DirectNORTHERN LIGHTS DISTRIBUTING, INCNorthern Lights electricalNorthern Lights Enterprise Co., LtdNorthern Lights EntertainmentNorthern Lights ExteriorsNorthern Lights FamilyNORTHERN LIGHTS FAMILY DENTISTRY,PCNorthern Lights Fitness Products Inc.Northern Lights FoundationNORTHERN LIGHTS IMAGING, LLCNorthern Lights inc.Northern Lights JVNORTHERN LIGHTS LOCATING & INSPECTION, INC.Northern Lights Medical VenturersNorthern Lights Public RadioNorthern Lights RealtyNORTHERN LIGHTS RESORT, INCNorthern Lights Resources Corp.Northern Lights Santa AcademyNorthern Lights School DistrictNorthern Lights School Division #69NORTHERN LIGHTS SERVICES, INC.Northern Lights Solar SolutionsNorthern Lights Solutions (NLS)Northern Lights Tactical, LLCNorthern Lights TechnologyNorthern Lights Technology DevelopmentNorthern Lights, Inc.Northern Lights, Inc. Electric CooperativeNorthern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustNorthern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustNorthern Lines InsuranceNorthern Lion Gold CorpNorthern Lites SnowshoesNorthern Litho IncNorthern LivingNORTHERN LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTNorthern Logistics WorldwideNORTHERN LOUISIANA MEDICAL CENTERNorthern Machine Tool CompanyNorthern Machine Works IncNorthern MachiningNorthern Machining & RepairNorthern Maine Community CollegeNorthern Maine Development CommissionNorthern Maine GeneralNorthern Maine Medical Center IncNorthern Managed FinanceNorthern Management LLCNorthern Management Services, Inc.Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights (NMCIR)Northern Manhattan Improvement CorporationNorthern Manhattan Perinatal PartnershipNorthern Manhattan Rehabilitation & Nursing CenterNorthern Manor Multicare CtrNorthern ManufacturingNorthern Marianas CollegeNorthern Marine GroupNORTHERN MARINE LIMITEDNorthern Marine Management - IndiaNORTHERN MARINE MANAGEMENT LIMITEDNorthern Marine Manning Services LtdNorthern Mat & Bridge LPNorthern Materials EngineeringNorthern Mattress & FurnitureNorthern Maverick Brewing CoNorthern MediaNorthern Media GroupNorthern Medical CenterNorthern Medical GroupNorthern Medical Ultrasound LtdNorthern Meditec LimitedNORTHERN METAL AND ROOFINGNorthern Metal Fab, Inc.Northern Metal ProductsNorthern Metal RecyclingNorthern Metalcraft Inc.Northern Metalic SalesNorthern MetalsNorthern Metropolitan Cemeteries TrustNORTHERN METROPOLITAN, INCNorthern Michigan AngelsNorthern Michigan Bank & TrustNorthern Michigan EscapesNorthern Michigan Health Training SchoolNorthern Michigan Sports Medicine CentersNorthern Michigan UniversityNorthern MicroNorthern MicrographicsNorthern MineralsNORTHERN MINNESOTA EYE CARE LLCNorthern Mobile Electric IncNORTHERN MONKNORTHERN MONKEY CREATIVE MEDIA LIMITEDNorthern Montana Care CenterNORTHERN MONTANA HOSPITALNorthern Mortgage Services, Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., Northern MortgageNORTHERN MOTOR GROUPNORTHERN MOTORS, INC.NORTHERN MUSICAST, INC.Northern Natural GasNORTHERN NAVAJO MEDICAL CENTERNorthern Neck - Middlesex Free Health ClinicNorthern Neck ChevroletNORTHERN NECK FARM MUSEUM AT COOPERS LANE - THE LUTHER WELCH AGRICULTURE CENTERNorthern Neck Insurance CompanyNorthern Neck NewsNorthern Neck Planning District CommissionNorthern Neck Senior Care CommunityNorthern Neck Transfer IncNorthern Negros State College of Science and TechnologyNorthern Neon LightsNorthern Networking Events LtdNORTHERN NEVADA ALLERGY CLINIC INCNORTHERN NEVADA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEMS LLCNorthern Nevada Business WeeklyNorthern Nevada Development AuthorityNorthern Nevada EquipmentNorthern Nevada Health SystemNorthern Nevada High Speed InternetNorthern Nevada HOPESNORTHERN NEVADA HYPERBARICS, INC.Northern Nevada Literacy CouncilNorthern Nevada Marches ForwardNorthern Nevada Medical CenterNorthern Nevada Medical GroupNorthern Nevada Multi-Housing Association, LLC.NORTHERN NEVADA PEDIATRICSNorthern Nevada Regional MLSNorthern New England Benefit TrustNorthern New England Housing Investment FundNORTHERN NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF ENROLLED AGENTSNORTHERN NEW JERSEY PLASTIC SURGERY, LLCNorthern New Mexico CollegeNORTHERN NEW MEXICO SCHOOL EMPLOYEE FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONNorthern Nights Music FestivalNorthern Nj Eye InstituteNorthern NSW Area Health ServiceNorthern NSW FootballNORTHERN NURSE PRACTITIONERS, PLLCNorthern Nurseries-FairportNorthern NutrientsNorthern Oak Wealth Management, Inc.Northern Ocean Ltd.Northern OffshoreNorthern Offshore GroupNorthern Offshore ServicesNorthern Ohio Educational Computer AssociationNorthern Ohio Electric, LLCNorthern Ohio EMS Academy, LLC.NORTHERN OHIO LUMBER & TIMBERNorthern Ohio Medical SpecialistsNorthern Ohio PeterbiltNorthern Ohio PrintingNorthern Ohio RealtyNorthern Ohio Recovery AssociationNorthern Oil and Gas Inc. (NYSE Symbol: NOG)NORTHERN OIL COMPANY LIMITEDNorthern Oil Tool Inc.Northern Oilfield Services LLCNorthern OilsNorthern Oklahoma CollegeNORTHERN OKLAHOMA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYNORTHERN OKLAHOMA REGIONAL PEDIATRIC CLINIC, PLLCNorthern Ontario School of MedicineNorthern Ontario School of MedicineNorthern Ontario School of MedicineNorthern Ontario Wires Inc.Northern Operating Services Pvt LtdNorthern Ophthalmic AssocNorthern Optotronics IncNORTHERN ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEONS, P.ANorthern Oregon EndodonticsNorthern Orthopedic Lab IncNorthern Orthopedics, Inc.NORTHERN ORTHOTIC & PROSTHETIC SERVICES, INCNorthern OutdoorsNorthern PacificNorthern Pacific DigitalNorthern Pacific GroupNorthern Pacific Power SystemsNorthern Packaging Limited.